A Multi-Device World
With today's myriad of IT problems due to working on Desktop, Tablet and Mobiles devices, there are many places on the string where it can break.
We demand "NEW and IMPROVE" but we get "NOT FULLY COOKED" from manufacturers and when things go wrong, you need a Tech Support company with a new approach.
What You Need
What you need and are looking for is a company that does not employ the old "REACT" after the disaster strikes approach but operates in the new "PRE-PREPARED" disaster prevention and recovery mode..
Click on the tab above and read "Our Approach".
IT Consultancy Service:
For it to be successful, it is better when both sides (provider and client) of the Tech Support service think in terms of partnership.
We want you to see us as partners who truly care about solving your IT problems.
We believe it is crucial to understand what is most important to you, so we can play this crucial role that will give you the freedom to concentrate on your business goals.
Premier Managed TechSupport Service
Our Managed IT Customers are 'Premier Customers' who pre-pay for their IT Support Monthly or Annually.
Premier Customers don't wait in the 'First-Come-First-Serve' IT Support Queue like the usual 'On-Demand-Only' support customers.
They are like Airline consiege club members that get to the Airport and simply waive their passport at the security guys and in seconds they are done and gone. NO WAITING AT ALL.
LIVE Agents
Glossive Tech Support Service, whether On-Demand or Managed is one of the fastest you can ever get.
Our LIVE Agents are well trained, which is why we are now able to operate and provide this 'ON-SITE and REMOTE' service to companies and other registered organisation in 4 continents.
Call Recording
We choose Call Recording as one of our support tools because we know you have deadlines and want the problem fixed right now as you are talking to us, not tomorrow.
We record every call so we don't miss anything that you said. If a support call is taking longer than the usual time to resolve, a Tech Support Supervisor can listen. If needed, they can quickly chip in advanced advice to the Agent assisting you.
Finally, recording is super vital as additional resource for Agent's training purpose, nothing more. As Agents review the recordings, they learn more, experience is increased and help is rendered faster every time.
Glossivetech System Diagnosis
GlossiveTech is the creator of "SysDriller", the TechSupport software used by many IT Technicians across the world for the delivery of reliable and quick technical support.
SysDriller helps to probe IT Systems, so that if there are any other problems besides what you called us for, we can let you know.
It can't do it all, but this tool can help detect, diagnose and report many problems which can be acted upon and resolved before they get worse and become show stoppers.
GlossiveTech "Pre-Prepared"
When you choose a company like ours, that operates in "Pre-Prepared" mode, you are choosing one with advanced pool of tried and tested solutions.
We crash our test computers and devices often on purpose. Then, we look for all the ways the device can be fixed and record the solutions, so that when you call, we already know several solutions to the kind of computer or device problem.