Data Warehouse Consultancy

Achieve Efficient Data Storage, Access and Security

How We Do It

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What Is A Data Warehouse ?

When a system is designed and integrated with its own database and is intended to handle large volumes of data pouring in from various sources we are talking more about a data warehouse.
A Data warehouse is also expected to support large volume of query and data analysis, beyong the capacity of the largest databases.

It is like a database in many sense but most databases handle more specific and related data-set such as company employees, payroll, products, etc.

You need a data warehouse when even the largest database setup will not cut it. When you want to handle not just related information but unrelated data that you want to reside in one super fast and secure storage space.

If the numbers of challenges you will face for running a database is 10, you want to multiply that by 2 or 3 for a reliable and uptimum performing Data Warehouse.

For such big challenges you need skilled people that have done this stuff and have tasted their own tears of frustration from the kind of patience needed for success.

Our Consultancy Service

Our Team

GlossiveTech has a database Consultancy team with a unique advantage. They are also Data Warehouse specialists who perfected their skills as senior Developoer and DBA's in various IT Contracting Service assignment spanning 27 years.
Our team can provide the human expertise and technical knowledge you can confidently rely on for your Data Warehouse Assignments

The Right Advice

If you get even one of our engineer in your as part of your team and you, From Installation, Setup and Security to Storage Design and the all important efficient database fine-tuning and data access, our consultants have the experience to advice on what you need.

Post Consultancy

Our Databace Developers and DBAs can help you confidently get your database Setup, Development and Management tasks done with 100% accuracy and efficiency.

Get It Done Right

Reliable Data Warehouse

If it is done right, it will perform right.

If you take the right approach from the start, you can drastically reduce the amount of things that can go wrong.

Get the people who know these stuff on your side before your first traffic stop in the Data Warehousing route.

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